Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tight schedules are doomed to be upended

It's very important to have flexibility in your daily life, particularly if you are susceptible to anxiety and depression as I am. If you feel like your day is stacked like an unstable Jenga tower, where one errant block removal or addition could topple the day and leave only chaos in its wake, it's time to step back and reconsider. Is everything you have scheduled or planned for the day really necessary? Does it have to be done today?

If it does have to be done today, you should add planning for more time and energy than you expect. As a result, you will need to bump some things out of the schedule. The phrase I coined for myself is "Shit happens, and in short order". If you have extra time planned around events, then you have leeway to handle things that life throws at you, and your overall stress decreases.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Ego and "I-go"

The technical definition of "ego" is the self, i.e. the amalgamation of your memories and thoughts and emotions. I propose a new word "I-go" which will take the definition of the stereotype of ego, where a person asserts themselves before anything else. Note that the new word includes "I", naturally in first position in the word.