Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hypothesis on priming your creativity

I've worked out a hypothesis on how to get motivated to work on projects. The idea is to prime the creative pump before you start working.

In some cases, an initial idea or creative spark is what starts a project, something that excites or motivates you to start the project. This will wear off after a short amount of time, but can be revisited after awhile.

To help get your interest going on a project each day, make note of that initial spark and motivation, and recall it before starting work. That should get your mind and creativity flowing, and the work will flow more easily.

Atmospheric things like background music or work area setting can help as well, e.g. a certain song gets you in the mood, or having a certain shade of light helps you get into the right frame of mind.

Feel free to discuss or refine this hypothesis.

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